Motivation Monday: November 6

November 06, 2023 00:15:02
Motivation Monday: November 6
Motivation Monday
Motivation Monday: November 6

Nov 06 2023 | 00:15:02


Show Notes

Katie gives you the motivation you need to get through your Monday!
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] WVUA FM Tuscaloosa good morning, everyone, and welcome to Motivation Monday, where I give you the motivation to get through your Monday. How are we doing this week? Are we doing good? Are we doing bad? Are we cold? It because I am I am very cold. I like the weather, but I don't like the weather. I don't like it when I have to walk to class for 20 minutes. It's not a fun thing. [00:00:38] I have very important news. Jimmy Buffett's new album equals Strain on all parts released today. If you have not listened to it, I recommend that you go listen to it right now. Especially listen to Bubbles. Up equal strain on all parts. [00:00:54] And like my dog, they're very good and I think everyone would really like them. I don't know if I'm like too quiet. Am I too quiet? Am I too quiet? I feel like I'm too quiet. I hope I'm not too quiet. [00:01:11] Anyway, so we're still continuing with our series. Get it off my chest. [00:01:17] I know I was supposed to do one of you all's requests today, but I'm going to do my own again because I've had a lot happen in the last week since we've last talked, and it's not good things. [00:01:29] It's not. And so I have a lot to get off my chest. I'm not going to say names, obviously, privacy reasons, but I am going to have a discussion. I'm going to get it off my chest. [00:01:44] I didn't write this week's out, so I'm sorry. Last week I did. That's why it was kind of so organized this week's not, but pretty much. I think the thing that I want to get off my chest is that you don't owe anyone anything. Moral of the story, anyone who tries to tell you unless it's the bank, but if you don't owe anyone anyone anything, okay. [00:02:12] The other thing that I wanted to get off my chest is that sometimes it's okay for your chapter to come to an abrupt end. It is fine for you to slam the book down and be done with that book and move on to your next book in life. What I mean by that is, like, we'll take my experience, for example. [00:02:34] You don't plan everything. [00:02:37] The other day I had planned to go into the place that I worked at and I was planning for a normal day. It did not end in a normal day. [00:02:47] It did not. [00:02:49] And the book came to a halting. Stop. [00:02:54] Halting. Stop. Does that even make sense? I don't know. [00:02:59] It came to an abrupt stop is what we'll say. And that book is closed. That chapter is done. [00:03:08] And when that happens, I feel like a lot of people, they get stressed and they get worried and they get freaked out because it's such an abrupt change that you did not think about, that you did not plan for. So it's kind of like, what am I going to do. This is kind of a big deal, but I guess in reality, it's not that big of a deal. I mean, it can be, don't get me wrong, but at the same time, it could be two things. It could be a good thing, it could be a bad thing. I'm not going to lie. I lost my train of thought, so I'm just kind of picking in the air here. [00:03:46] Things come to an abrupt end. There's death, there's breakups, there's quitting, there's leaving. [00:03:54] Everything can be an abrupt end. [00:03:57] You do not plan for your significant other to break up with you? No. No one broke up with me. I'm just using this as an example. [00:04:06] But you cannot always plan on things. I guess what I'm trying to say is that life is not planable, if you know what I mean. If that makes sense. [00:04:16] I can sit here and tell you the next three years that I'm in college, I will be doing motivation Monday until I graduate. [00:04:26] Is that realistic? Yes. Is it realistic? No. [00:04:30] Because it can and can't be. You know what I mean? Like, I plan to keep doing motivation Monday till the end. But will things happen? Will I get busy? Will I get an internship? Will things come up? Or I have to give up motivation Monday? Yes. There will be life is not planable. I could sit here and tell you, I know exactly what I'm going to do with my life. I'm going to graduate. I'm going to get married, and then I'm going to go into my job, which will be editing, and that's what I'm going to do for my entire life. I'm going to travel. I'm going to do this. But in reality, that's not realistic for me because I have no idea. [00:05:12] You're forced to kind of go with the flow. [00:05:15] You can't plan your life, but you can make an outline for it. [00:05:21] You can make an outline for what you want to do and what you want to be. I want to be an editor. [00:05:27] That's my outline. I want to be an editor. My outline is to continue motivation Monday. For how long, I do not know. But that is an outline. [00:05:36] You cannot plan your life. And people that try to plan their life, they're always severely disappointed because it doesn't go as planned. Life is the most confusing thing in the world, and sometimes you just have to move on. Things come to an abrupt end, and you just have to move on. It's fine if they come to an abrupt end. Things are not going to go the way you want to. I'm sorry. I hate to be the realistic person here and be the party pooper, but life is not planable. [00:06:13] It can be outlined. You can have a theory of what you want to do, but life is not planable. Every day we are not guaranteed that we will be there at the end of the day. We are not guaranteed that we will have our job at the end of the day. We are not guaranteed that we will have our house by the end of the day. Not being morbid, but life is not planable. [00:06:35] Life is not planable. I know I said it, like, 30 times, but life is not planable. You cannot sit down with your significant other and say, okay, you're going to propose to me on this day. We're going to get married on this day. We're going to have kids this day, and we're going to retire together on this day, and we're going to die together on this day. [00:06:55] That's middle school. I mean, that sounds like a middle schooler right there. Yes. You could sit down and plan out like, okay, whenever we get engaged, I want to have our wedding from August to December. And then when you get engaged, that's when you can start planning. But you cannot tell me right now that you can sit down and sit here and be like, you know what? By the age 22, I'm going to be engaged. By the age 24, I'm going to be graduating, have my own job. By the age 25, I'm going to be married. By the age 30, I'm going to have a kid. Yeah, you can plan for that, but it's unrealistic. Do you see what I mean? It's an outline. It's an outline between an outline. What you should do is when you want to plan something for your future, make an outline. I want to be married with kids. This is not my plan. This is an example. I want to be married with kids and have a job and be graduated between the ages of 25 and 30. That's realistic right there, because then when you plan something, you get let down if you do not commit to that. Like, lately I've been writing a book, and I told my friends and everyone that I was going to have it finished in two weeks. It has been four weeks going on five weeks. Am I disappointed in myself? Yes. Because I thought I was going to have it done by now. I thought I was going to be done with it, but I'm not. And I'm disappointed because I had that plan to have it done in two weeks, but it didn't go like that. I mean, I probably am off on some random tangent right now, and I apologize, but this is what this series is about to get everything off your chest and to talk and to get what you think you need off your chest. It could be right. It could be wrong. There are no wrongs here. I'm going to say that there are no wrong here. I have come on here, and I have talked about many things. Some people don't agree with it. Some people do. That's just the way of life. You're never going to have people agree with you 100% unless it's a straightforward fact. [00:09:07] I could tell you it's, I don't know, cold outside. [00:09:11] I say it's cold outside, but my dad might say, oh, it feels really good outside. But my mom might say it's freezing outside. [00:09:19] So you're never going to have anyone 100% agree on you unless it's truth. Like, Joe Biden is our president. That's 100% truth. No one can argue with me on that. So that's the point of the series is to get it off our chest. Whatever you need. It could be an event that happened at work. It could be that you just feel like the world is coming to an end. It could be that I mean, you know, guys, it has been two months since Jimmy Buffett died. [00:09:52] You know how crazy that is? [00:09:56] It could be something like that. You lost someone and you still can't believe it, but you just want to tell someone that without them knowing who you are. And that's what Get off your chest is for. It's to be there for you without knowing who you are. For the people that want to explain what is wrong but they are scared to speak up because they don't want to be frowned upon. [00:10:18] Get off your chest is something for all of us to be connected. Because what I have might said today might relate to you. It might hit a spot for you that you agree with. Or maybe it doesn't. Maybe you're just like, no life is planable. I'm going to do this, this, and this, and life has always been planable for me. [00:10:38] Maybe that's the way you are. Maybe that's the way you are and that's fine. There's no judgment here. Motivation Monday is a judgment free zone. Why? Because I am as chaotic as it gets. I have no script for today. I completely went off on a random tangent. [00:10:58] There's people outside. [00:11:00] I'm going to quit yelling now. [00:11:03] So it's Get off your chest is for me, you, your siblings, your parents, your spouse, your friend, your grandmother, your aunt. It's for everyone, okay? [00:11:16] So go to the Facebook, go to the Instagram, click the link, fill out the survey. Get it off your chest. Crying out loud, get it off your chest because it'll make you feel better. I promise. I promise. I would have not done the series if I thought it was stupid. It's not. People do need to get stuff off their chest. It doesn't matter how old you are, how young you are, what grade you're in, if you're a parent, or if you're a teenager, if you're a child. Get it off your chest. There's no judgment here. There is a question on the survey that says, do you want this to be shared? [00:11:50] Obviously, I will say this again. I do not know who fills out the survey. I have it anonymous. I can't see who fills it out. You can see that when you sign onto the Google sheet, but if you just want to get it off your chest and you don't want to hear it on a podcast or you don't want to hear it on here, just put I don't want to be shared and it'll be my secret. [00:12:15] I'm not going to come on here and be like this person said, not share. But I mean, it's a really great example. No, I'm not going to do that. I'm not a monster. Okay, now that I went off on my little tangent, I think I'm ready to come to a close with the episode. Also, once again, I do want to thank Catherine, the editor of Motivation Monday. She has been great over the past few months. I have been very chaotic with Motivation Monday. I don't know if y'all noticed. I've been kind of late. I've been running behind on stuff. I haven't been recording as well as I should. And Catherine has literally been so nice. She deals with it and she puts up with me and I really appreciate it. She is great. [00:13:05] Thank you, Catherine, for everything you do coming from me and Motivation Monday, we all appreciate it. Motivation monday would not be motivation. Monday without Catherine. So I just want everyone to know that and say thank you to Catherine. [00:13:17] So the quote for today that I'm going to tell you is breathe in, breathe out and move on, people. Okay? It is not that serious. It is time to breathe in, breathe out and move on. Because it is not that serious. I promise, it is not that serious. Okay? [00:13:36] The song I'm going to recommend is Breathe In, Breathe Out and Move On. Again, I know I've recommended it before, but that's just how I feel right now. Right now, I just need to breathe in, breathe out, move on, because life is not that serious. I mean, this situation that I'm in is not that serious. It's not going to matter a year from now, okay? So if you're struggling with something, if you're going through a hard time, just remember, breathe in, breathe out, move on. It's that simple. [00:14:07] Seriously, it's this easy, okay? I'm moving on. [00:14:14] That's how easy it is. I know it's not really that easy, but it's close. It's close. I'll give you that much. Well, I'm going to wrap this episode up. We're getting to 15 minutes and I'm not supposed to be taking that long. [00:14:27] Well, everyone, this is Katie signing off for Motivation Monday. I hope you have a great day, a great week, a motivated Monday, a very motivated Monday. And please don't forget, stay motivated. I'll catch you all next week with something not about me. You'll have a great weekend.

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