Motivation Monday: We Are Human

October 31, 2023 00:08:21
Motivation Monday: We Are Human
Motivation Monday
Motivation Monday: We Are Human

Oct 31 2023 | 00:08:21


Show Notes

On this week's Motivation Monday, Katie dives straight into her new series, "Get It Off My Chest"! Starting us off strong, Katie gets her feelings off her chest. Tune into the new series to get the motivation you didn’t know you needed.
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] WVUA FM Tuscaloosa good morning, everyone, and welcome to Motivation Monday, where I give you the motivation to get through your Monday. It's been a while, I'll admit, and I apologize for that. That's clearly my fault because I have been working on a new series. It's a new big series that we're going to start doing today, actually. It's called get it off my chest. A Series about you the viewers. So here's how it's going to go down. On Facebook or Instagram, or if you see a flyer on campus, I posted a survey. You, the viewer, will fill out the survey. Being honest and getting it off your chest, which is the question on there, what do you want to get off your chest? [00:00:52] Of course, I won't know who fills it out. It will remain anonymous. And also you will see the question, can I share this? Meaning if you don't want it shared, you just want to get it off your chest, you can do that too. That's perfectly fine. [00:01:07] Now, you might be wondering, why am I doing this? It's simple. I hope that someone fills out the form with some story. Then I will get on here and talk about said story, giving the person motivation to get through it, but also hopeful that one of the viewers is going through something like it, so that they can relate and they know that they're not alone. It's kind of a way to connect all of us together in a way. Going through the same stuff, sharing motivation, getting through it together is kind of the topic, I guess you could say. [00:01:41] But remember, don't be scared to fill out the survey. It's anonymous and it's okay if you are scared to fill it out, but please do fill it out just in case there is someone who is too scared to fill it out and they're going through the same thing as you. [00:01:56] Makes sense. I hope so. [00:02:00] Now, it's the first episode, so I haven't posted the survey yet. But I will start us out off with getting something off my chest. I obviously have a lot, but we're not going to get into that because we will be here for I'm not even joking, probably 2 hours. So I'll make it something simple, but a little personal so others can relate. So let's get into it, shall we? [00:02:22] Sometimes you need to remember that everyone is human. Like, I get it, it's hard to remember. People have feelings. But the thing that really irritates me is if you think retail workers, servers or janitors are your servants newsflash, they aren't. [00:02:39] I had a woman look at me at the place I work and say it's okay if we mess this up. She's paid to clean up after me. I was so shocked I could not speak. I just sat there. She had no reason to say that to me. I'm not even joking. She was 2ft away and was staring at me when she said it. She had no reason to say that to me. It's obvious she didn't see me as a human, but as a servant to her. Now, work isn't the only place that this can happen. It can happen at home. Remember, your parents, spouse or siblings are human. They aren't perfect. I underlined that twice in my notes. Sometimes they lash out and get mad. But remember, they are human. But it's also a two way street. Don't forget, when you lash out on your spouse, siblings, or parents, remember, they are human, too. I'm not saying you're the bad guy, but I'm saying think of the other person. I know it's hard whenever you're emotional, but just try and think, everyone is human. Everyone is human. KK the world would be such a better place if we could all remember that we're all human. We are all human. We make mistakes, we get emotional, we lash out, we overreact, we act selfish, we fail classes, we get fired, we cry. We aren't perfect, and that is normal. Okay? So treat people the way you want to be treated. We're going back to preschool. Treat people the way you want to be treated. That includes your spouse, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your siblings, your parents, your grandparents, your aunt, your uncle, your friend. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Do you want to be yelled at? 24/7 no. So don't yell at someone 24/7. Okay. [00:04:17] God. We understand that. [00:04:20] Moving on. I decided to find some sort of quote that ties into what I'm getting off my chest. I will continue to try and keep quotes that you are getting that relate to what you're getting off your chest. So here's mine. Humans hurt other humans because they were hut let me start over. Humans hurt other humans because they were hurt by humans. And this cycle of human hurting goes on and on because we've taught this generation that it's okay to be selfish. I want that to resonate with you. Okay? I want that to sit with you. [00:04:53] Okay? Did it resonate? Okay. Good. Glad. [00:04:57] Moving on. [00:04:59] So, on top of keeping quotes up, I also want to keep songs going because I feel like everyone looks forward to a good song. So every week, I will pick a song that relates to your situation and get it off your chest. Experience mine. This week is human. Let me look up the artist, because I'm not going to lie, I definitely did not do that before I walked in here, even though it's in my notes to look it up before I got in here. Human by Christina Perry. [00:05:24] It's sad, but it's so true. And she talks about that she's only human. She can only take so much. And that is so true. We can all only take so much of everything. We can only take so much from our job. So much fighting and all that. So please, for the love of everything holy. Remember, no one is perfect. Okay? Do we understand each other? If your server is running behind on your order, please remember she's probably on the verge of a mental breakdown. Been there, done that. Okay, if your insurance agent is taking a minute to get back to you, it's probably because they're newer. I'm not calling you out, mom, but people need to realize that other people are human. It's not that hard. Put yourself in their shoes. Put yourself in their situation, and just take a minute. I know we're selfish sometimes, and we don't want to see people's point of view. And we get mad and we don't mean to, but just remember that at the end of the day, we're not perfect. We were born human, not perfect. [00:06:33] Man, I really went off on this episode. Okay, well, everyone, I hope you are as excited as I am for this new series. I think it's going to be so much fun. I don't know when the series will end, but I do know that the end of the series will be Mental Health Monday. I don't know when that will be yet. I'm hoping February. But just know that the ending episode of this series will be Mental Health Monday. We will be bringing that back this year. I really do think that this series will help us to relate to others and help you get something off your us, because sometimes you just need to get it off your chest. You don't want to tell people because then you're scared they will judge you. So it's easier if you could just fill out the survey, get it off your chest. I will say if you want to share it, please do not put people's names. We don't need that. I don't need someone coming to me because their name is in the podcast. We can make up fake names. That's fine. I don't mind making up pineapple and apples, but I don't need, like, Joe and I don't know, I can't think of any names right now except Joe and I don't know Karen. [00:07:39] But please don't let the fear of sharing keep you from getting stuff off your chest, because we all need to get stuff off our chest. [00:07:47] Well, everyone, this is Katie signing off for Motivation Monday. I hope you have a great week, a very motivated Monday. And please don't forget, stay motivated. I'll be catching you all next weekend. [00:08:18] Tuscaloosa.

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